Saturday 29 December 2007

A Belated Merry Christmas..

I've once again been neglecting my blog duties. Just back from Cambridge where I had a very nice Yuletide with my extended family of sisters, in-laws, nieces, nephews, etc. So great to have someone take care of the turkey detail for once — meant I could concentrate on the far more important business of spreading the good cheer.

I've got Bedded by a Bad Boy going large in the US in January under the brand new title of Bedded by a Playboy. It briefly topped Harlequin's ebook bestsellers list earlier this month so I have high hopes for it in the US, where it will — rather dauntingly — be in the new Presents Collection: 'Pregnant Mistresses'. But at least it's in great company with my fellow Mod Heat authors Natalie Anderson and Kate Hardy. If you fancy picking up a copy of Playboy in the States, just click here.

And have a fab New Year. My resolution? To finish my fourth book in time for my deadline on Valentine's Day and to start blogging more.

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