Friday, 27 March 2009


Cracking open the champers here in North London as I have finally emailed off my latest ms to my lovely editor.

Of course, I'm not out of the woods yet as revisions will no doubt follow, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that she's going to like it and there won't be anything too major (famous last words??). 

After much agonising and rewriting and tweaking and the rest I think I finally nailed my characters and understood their journey. And that's the main thing.

Now onto RITA celebrations and the news that fellow Presents author Anne McAllister has got a nom in the Best Contemporary Series Romance category. No noms for me this year (boo-hoo), but I'm pleased as punch for Anne and if she has anything like the fun I had last year in San Francisco (if she goes to Washington) she's going to have a ball!


Anonymous said...


~more jealousy~

Felicity Roger said...

Another manuscript...fantastic. Something to look forward to. And it is lovely for an aspiring author to know that you agonise, rewrite, tweak just like the rest of us.

Heidi Rice said...

Cheers Kim... No need for jealousy yet as I just got my revs... Nothing hugely major, but we ain't talking tweaks here!

Heidi Rice said...

Felicity, thanks for the kind words... And, oh yeah, I have agony to spare if you want to borrow some???

This book nearly did me in completely, thank god I'm finally in the home stretch. Now all I've got to do is come up with an idea for the next one... Ho-hum, now my mind has gone totally blank of course!

Best of luck with your travails too.