Tuesday, 14 April 2009

The Mile High Club goes Greek... And other inspirations.

Found out today about Harlequin's new Greek website so of course I could not resist browsing it to discover if any of my books are available. And lo and behold I found The Mile High Club coming out as a Desire in Greek! At least I'm assuming it's that book, my Greek not being all that fluent.

Just check out that fabulously sexy and romantic cover art — Mel and Jack exactly as they appear in the book snogging on the balcony of his bijoux Parisian residence with the Eiffel Tower in the background. Honestly I think it's the best book cover I've ever had. I absolutely adore it. 

I also stuck the title and blurb into a Greek Translator and discovered it's been retitled A Kiss for Christmas - which may not be quite as sexy as the original title, but is very cute nonetheless and as the story's set over Christmas and New Year also surprisingly appropriate.

It's moments like this that make the whole process worth all the effort. In fact, I was so excited by the discovery, I've just written the first four pages of my next story, all complete tripe of course, but the enthusiasm's back which is all that matters at this stage. 

And just in case you were wondering, my hero's a Brit this time around (a little bit bad boy, a lot sexy billionaire) just to be on the safe side for a change. And my hero inspiration (in the looks department mostly) is coming from a male model called David Gandy who I read an interview with in last week's Observer Woman magazine. Models don't usually do it for me - too much style over substance I guess - but Gandy does take a very good picture (if you've seen those Dolce and Gabana ads that's him) and more importantly he comes across as a nice guy in the article (journalist Polly Vernon certainly seemed to take a shine to him anyway), which is pretty crucial when you're looking for hero inspiration I always think.

And if you fancy buying The Mile High Club in Greek, click here.


Me said...

How fab that you've found one of your books on the Greek site.

As far as David Gandy being an inspiration for a Hero I have to agree, he is rather gorgeous!

Heidi Rice said...

Yes, he's certainly got that surly sex appeal thing going for him. Question is will I be able to do him justice? Well, if nothing else, I'm certainly going to have fun trying.