Thursday, 30 April 2009

Win a copy of Hot-Shot Tycoon, Indecent Proposal for May Day

Just popping in to say if you fancy a copy of my latest Modern Heat Hot-Shot Tycoon, Indecent Proposal (which isn't even out until next month in the UK and September in the US) then nip on over to The Pink Heart Society for my monthly Must-Watch Friday blog tomorrow.

I'm waxing lyrical on the gothic teen romance Twilight (and somehow managing to compare it with Jane Eyre!!) and also giving away a copy of my book to one lucky commentator.

In other news I'm offering 'An Author Critique of a Full MS Aimed at Harlequin Presents' (as well as some other odds and sods) on Brenda Novak's Online Auction So if you're an aspiring author and want the benefit of my vast knowledge brought to bear on your very own ms (and haven't been reading my blog, so you are completely unaware of how many mistakes I'm still making with my own manuscripts), shoot on over here and stick in a bid. It's for a good cause, namely Diabetes Research.


Lacey Devlin said...

Waxing lyricale on Twighlight with a comparison to Jane Eyre huh? Very interesting! I can't wait. I also confess to having my beady little eye on your book :)

Kimberly Lang said...

Twilight? I must go just to see how you manage that. (I'm not a big Twilight fan. But I am a big Heidi Rice fan. :-D)

Felicity Roger said...

Twighlight...I have yet to catch the bug as I still have one more daughter to go before I even get a look in at our copies.

Re the auction: Would you critique a Modern Heat as it may just be the impetus I need to complete my manuscript...and part with my cash.


Heidi Rice said...

Actually Lacey, I may have oversold the Jane Eyre comparison... But hey, take a look and see what you think.

Kim, right back atcha on the fan thing...

And Felicity, yes that would definitely include Modern Heat. But here's a top tip, if the bidding gets too high (I wish), I do reader reports for the RNA New Writer's Scheme too, so you could always go that route. No guarantee you'll get me of course to critique your ms, but you'll get someone equally as good - and if it's of publishable quality it could mean getting your ms onto an editor's desk too.

They're full for this year, but you can always sign up for next year in January... And that gives you some time to finish the ms and polish it till it gleams.

Best of luck