Sunday, 3 January 2010

Hello 2010!

Popping in a couple of days late to wish everyone who reads this blog (or better yet reads my books!) a fabulous 2010! (what the heck happened to 2009 - I feel like I blinked and it flashed past in a nano-second). Have to say I just heard a great story on the news about a group of revellers who went to Britain's highest pub in the Yorkshire Dales to ring in the New Year and have now been snowed in there for three days.... According to one of them who was interviewed on the radio they're 'keeping their spirits up'! I'll bet... Sounds like a great story to kick off a romance.

Anyway, back to business:

Things to look forward to this year:

Public Affair, Secretly Expecting is due out in Australia and New Zealand this month as a Sexy Sensation, and the US as a Harlequin Presents in March.

And my seventh Modern Heat novel, Unfinished Business with the Duke will be hitting the shelves in the UK and Ireland come June. As we sadly no longer have a Borders in  my neck of the woods I'll be popping into the West End to see it on the shelves (which never gets old let me tell you). And posting a sneak peek from the opening chapter on my website shortly.

New Year's Resolution:

To finish my next MH by the end of February. Which seeing as I've barely even started it is a pretty tall order... (oh, and to loose ten pounds of course, but that's a rolling resolution thats been on the go for three years!!). So if I'm  not blogging much in the months ahead my mad typing frenzy might have something to do with it. Still will try and pop back every so often and keep you informed about how Rye and Maddy's story is going. At the moment I've got a cracking opening chapter... Plus I know the heroine has a battered Fiat Panda called Scarlet, the hero lives in a gothic mansion on a Cornish cliff and they get stuck over night there in a blackout. And that's about it! No conflict, and no plot to speak of yet so I better stop waffling about Yorkshire revellers and get to it.


Caroline said...

Happy New Year Heidi - and happy writing! Take care. Caroline x

Lacey Devlin said...


May all your resolutions come true!

I've turned into a five year old now that January's finally here and I'm shamelessly stalking my local bookseller for your latest and greatest - I'm sure a restraining order will be forthcoming...

Lorraine said...

Happy New Year Heidi, good luck with the typing frenzy!

Joanne Coles said...

Happy New Year!

I loved the Yorkshire revellers story too. Why do those cool things never happen to me?!

Heidi Rice said...

Cheers for the good wishes guys.

Am currently on chapter two and all sorts of interesting conflicts are popping out of the woodwork. Have sent off the first chapter to my ed to see if this one's a goer, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed, but I've a feeling she may nix the gay lifeguard who spends far too much time admiring the hero's butt. But hey, it is a very nice butt.

Best of luck with all your writing endeavours too. And Hell Yeah Joanne, why has that never happened to me either???

Tara Pammi said...

Hi Heidi,

Just wanted to pop in and say Happy New Year!
