Thursday, 25 February 2010

I Heart Presents... On how Heidi found her mean streak!

Am blogging over at I Heart Presents later today on how much fun it can be to be really mean to your characters.... Especially if you know what's good for them and they don't!! And how I discovered this, and a mean streak I didn't even know I had, while writing my latest Presents release Public Affair, Secretly Expecting.

There's also a little bit in there about where my ideas come from... But don't expect a straight answer on that one cos I'm not even sure myself.

Hope a few of you find time to pop over and post a comment - so I look extremely popular.

Okay, shameless pleading over. Am currently closing in on finishing the rough draft of my latest WIP. I know I thought I'd finished it already but there was still more conflicts to resolve. With only a week to go before deadline I am getting a little concerned about how long it now is. And it just keeps getting longer.

Actually, I think I may be writing War and Peace (with sexy bits)!!


Jackie Ashenden said...

War and Peace with sexy bits does it for me. Just as long as no one throws themselves in front of a train okay? Okay, so that's the wrong Tolstoy but you know what I mean. Yay on nearly finishing. :-)

Lacey Devlin said...

Well I'm still thrilled that your ms is getting longer ;) Am I not helpful?

Only a week to go before deadline? You can do it! And after we will all eat chocolate and drink champagne... ;)

Heidi Rice said...

No train action I swear Jackie!!

And Lacey, thanks for posting a comment over on I Heart, and yay to the champagne and chocolate, definitely with you on that one...!

Kimberly Lang said...

War and Peace really would have benefited from some sexy bits...

Sally Clements said...

I've sent you a happy cupcake award! (Don't eat it all at once).

Heidi Rice said...

Hmm, good point Kim.

And Sally, ooh I like the sound of that... Please let me eat it all at once!!

Sally Clements said...

Okay, Heidi. Go for it. I've eaten mine!

Kerrin said...

They do have to battle before they feel the love Heidi!
Feel the love..i've nominated you for an award on my blog :)