Sunday, 11 April 2010

The Media Floozy Strikes Again!!

Just ducking my head out of the revisions cave (hmm, yes, they turned out to be a bit more taxing than I had anticipated!!) to give y'all a head's up on my Media moment at Richmond this week.

Was invited down to M&B's publishing house to talk to the very nice lady from the BBC about the huge popularity of M&B ebooks.... For some odd reason the Beeb were surprised about that!!

Anyway here's the link, you'll be glad to know my bit is the first up... I wasn't too thrilled with the up-the-nose camera angle, but my 17-year-old son was hugely impressed that I managed to get into the same news story with Miley Cyrus. Actually, come to think of it, so was I.


Rachael Johns said...

Drat - it won't let me watch it from Australia :( But LOL on your son and Miley Cyrus!!

Jackie Ashenden said...

Wah! I can't see it either. But I'm sure you knocked their socks off. And Smiley Virus' too. ;-)

Janette Radevski said...

I guess you know you've made it when you share billing with Miley!

Heidi Rice said...

Hey guys, sorry about the link not working, didn't realise that the Beeb would have some anti-antipodean thing going on!!

You'll just have to take my word for it that I looked just like Gwyneth Paltrow! Honest!

And yeah Janette, me and Miley are like that now you know.

Anonymous said...

Darling, sad I couldn't see the post! You're a Rock Star! xx

Lorraine said...

At last! An advantage to not living in the sun drenched down under! By which I mean I could see the link and I thought the bit where you kissed him was the best

Lacey Devlin said...

I bet you rocked it! Lol on your son :)