Friday, 19 June 2009

PHS Today... Tomorrow the World!!

Popping in to say I'm blogging at the PHS today on my favourite film of all time. On the Waterfront!! So if you've never heard of it, nip over there and see what you've been missing....

In other news, the ms is finally buzzing. I've submitted my first ever proper partial to my ed and although she had some niggles, nothing that wasn't doable. So now I have a road map for the first time ever and it feels almost liberating. No more running around in the dark trying to get my characters to do all the work... Watch this space to see if they fall into line now.


Lacey Devlin said...

I haven't heard of it so I'm popping over lol but first congrats on your road map!

Heidi Rice said...

Cheers Lacey, as a pantser I've always been scared to commit to a synopsis, but it's working out surprisingly well.... So far. Although I expect they'll be lots of road bumps and blocks, I'm keeping my fingers crossed they're won't be any enormous craters like last time...

Hope your own writing's going well too.

Jackie Ashenden said...

I used to be a pantser, Heidi, but over the weekend I've learned the value of synopses! And also that I can't write them. But yep, they're great for seeing the way ahead, especially when one is looking at rewriting one's whole manuscript. ;-)

Good luck!

Heidi Rice said...

My top tip for writing a synopsis Jackie is just put the story of the characters' conflict in... Not that I'm an expert mind you.

Good luck with rewriting your whole ms... Been there, done that and will no doubt have to do it again eventually.Why doesn't this seem to get any easier???

Jackie Ashenden said...

Ack, Heidi! You mean it really doesn't get easier?? ;-)

PS, thanks for the synop tip.