Friday, 12 February 2010

Heidi Rice, Media Floozy

Had great fun today trotting down to BBC Broadcasting House to do some Valentine's Day promo for M&B. Managed to do a staggering 17 local radio interviews chatting to DJs from areas as far afield as Cumbria and Sussex. Some of the same questions came up a lot (remarkable how many people wanted to know if I'm romantic myself... Um yes, just a tad!). Best of all was doing a ten-minute film round-up slot on the BBC London show. Love it when I can put my film buff and romance junkie hats on at the same time.

Anyway here's the link to the show. You have to set the dial to 2.33.00 to get my bit... Think I just about pulled if off and don't sound too insane. Always good on national radio. Plus I got to plug one of my favourite movies. The Apartment.

Tomorrow my media career continues with a trip to Television Centre and a ten-minute slot on the BBC Breakfast Show... Honestly, I'm starting to feel like a bit of a G-list celeb here folks.


Caroline said...

Good for you Heidi! I'll be watching tomorrow morning! Take care. Caroline x

Jackie Ashenden said...

Lol Heidi! Sounds great. Do you actually ever get asked something thought provoking and original or is it all 'where do you get your inspiration from?' and 'are you romantic?'?? ;-)

Lacey Devlin said...

So much fun! Television tomorrow! Exciting stuff! I hope I can find it on the internet somewhere!

Janette Radevski said...

Wow - first radio, then TV. Doesn't sound G-list to me!

Scarlet Wilson said...

Go Heidi!
Saw you this morning on Breakfast Tv flying the flag for Mills and Boon, well done!
And what did you mean your writing is a BIT sexy? It's way more that a BIT!
And what about your hair? It was gorgeous - much longer than in your current pic, must be time for an update Heidi!

Heidi Rice said...

Hi guys

Thanks for the good wishes. Had a real hoot at the Beeb this morning. Shall go into more detail on the blog later, after I've come down from my media high.

Jackie, yes I did get some shall we say bizarre questions, but they're a bit too naughty to repeat here (even for me!!).

And Susan, yeah maybe it is time for an update of the old pic, it's starting to look a little out of date.


Joanne Coles said...

How exciting! I'm so mad I missed the TV appearance. I wonder if it's possible to find it on the internet somewhere? Off to search.