Monday, 9 February 2009

Banging My Own Drum.... And Mickey Rourke's...

Just a quick note to say my latest Presents is now available online at eharlequin and already flying high in both the bestseller list and the ebooks bestseller list. How wonderfully thrilling!

Just what I needed to get me cracking the whip on my latest WIP. If you remember that's my 'be kind, rewind' epic which I had to start from scratch again a few weeks back. Am plugging away at it, and it's finally taking shape into something really fabulous (honest!). But boy this one is hard work. Remind me again why one should never make a bad boy Irish movie star your hero (thanks again Colin Farrell, this is all your fault, buddy).

Am sneaking a day off at the RNA lunch tomorrow (snow allowing) to cheer on my Mod Hot buddy Kate Hardy and fellow Presents author India Grey who are both up for the coveted Romance Prize. Well, done Ladies. And remember, as Jonathan Ross said at the BAFTAs last night, everyone who's nominated is a winner really.

By the way, you could hear the cheer across Islington when they announced Mickey Rourke as the Best Actor winner. If I've got one film recommendation so far this year, it's go see The Wrestler. Rourke is a genius and, as much as I love Sean Penn, I hope he wins the Oscar too. 


Rachael Johns said...

Heidi just wanted to say how much I ADORED Pleasure, Pregnancy and a Proposition - already read it down under and it was fabulous! Not surprised at all though.


Heidi Rice said...


Thanks so much for that. I'm feeling all warm and glowy inside now. Good thing as I've now got to brave the sleeting, freezing rain to get down to Ken High St!

Heidi x

Avi J said...

Heidi it was a fantastic book, and the way it was linked to the characters in Mile high club made it even more enjoyable.